FAQ on MRI and CT Scan

We picked out the 5 most common questions our patients have before getting an MRI or a CT scan. 1.My doctor has prescribed a scan with contrast – what is it and why is it required? If you have been recommended a MRI or a CT examine , your specialist may sometimes ask for a scan with contrast. A contrast is nothing but a liquid dye that is usually injected into your veins or administered orally. This dye helps to highlight feature the inner parts of your body, giving the specialists a more clear picture of irritation, organs, body structures and veins.Sounds scary? It’s not – in fact, it’s a very common and painless procedure – so don’t worry!Plus, scans with contrast produce clearer pictures, helping you get a more accurate diagnosis. 2.What is the duration of the scan? The duration of your scan depends on what kind of scan you need. T...