How do I prepare for an Ultrasound Scan?

How do I prepare for an Ultrasound Scan? -Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and remove all clothing and jewelry in the area to be examined. -Scan time: 30 min; visit time about 1-1/2 hours -Adults: Do not eat or drink eight hours before your scan. -Children: Do not eat or drink four hours before the scan or skip one meal. -Take medications with a small sip of water. # EbisuDiagnostics # Preparation for # UltrasoundScan # DiagnosticCentre # BestDiagnosticCentreInBangalore # LabInBangalore # BestHealthDiagnosticCentreInBangalore # DiagnosticCentreInBangalore # HealthDiagnosticCentre # DignosticCentreInHSRLayout # Bangalore # HSRLayout