
Showing posts from October, 2019

Things to know before going to EMG Test

Things to know before going to EMG Test - Ebisu Diagnostics Centre, Bangalore What is EMG Test? EMG Test (electromyography) records the movement of our muscles. It is based on the simple fact that whenever a muscle contracts, a burst of electric activity is generated which propagates through adjacent tissue and bone and can be recorded from neighboring skin areas. The lower motor neurons are the actual instigators of muscle movement, as they innervate the muscle directly at the neuromuscular junction. This innervation causes the release of Calcium ions within the muscle, ultimately creating a mechanical change in the tension of the muscle... Nowadays, People are worried about taking health diagnostic tests. Especially like EMG Test.  We may think about what to do and what not to do. There are some common questions that may occur during EMG test, that are addressed below. Does Smoking affect EMG test? Yes, Smoking causes subclinical changes in the myelin sheath ...

Is it Possible to detect Lung Cancer in X-ray?

In chest X-ray, This is often the first test your doctor will do to look for any abnormal areas in the lungs. If the x-ray result is normal, you probably don't have lung cancer ( even though some lung cancers may not show up on an x-ray). If some suspicious thing is seen, then your doctor will likely order more tests eventually. To know more, Visit:

The Truth Behind X-rays

X Ray Centers in Bangalore | Ebisu Diagnostic Centre THE FACTS ABOUT X-RAYS MYTHS DEFLATE: Once at least in a lifetime many of us would have undergone an X-ray, which is a type of radiation commonly called electromagnetic waves. An X-ray takes the image of the body. They are commonly used in medicinal fields for imaging tools and to understand how extremely crucial is the diagnosing diseases and to make sure that the right treatment is given. However, there are many myths with X-rays, which people will not know. Here are a few common truth behind x-rays Myths associated with x-rays, MYTH: X-RAYS PRODUCE DANGEROUS RADIATION FACT:    WE ALL ARE EXPOSED TO RADIATION EVERY DAY Since radiation is a part of the natural environment, we all are exposed to radiation every day. Now, modern x-ray machines and especially digital X-rays used a very small amount of radiation where the exposure to radiation is reduced by 75% when compared to old machines . Since they use a sm...